After creating waves in Bollywood with 3 Idiots, Popular pan-Indian hero Madhavan will share screen space with the legendary Kamal Haasan in an upcoming Tamil flick to be directed by K.S. Ravikumar. Meanwhile, ever since Gemini Film Circuit bought the Telugu and Tamil remake rights of 3 Idiots from Vidhu Vinod Chopra, there is widespread anticipation about the lead roles. Madhavan was expected to reprise his role in Tamil, but the actor has now reportedly denied these rumours and says, "Because I had already given my heart and soul to the character I played in the Hindi version, I don't think it will be interesting if I do the Tamil remake too."

He suggested Ajith, Vijay and Vikram's names for the lead roles. "Ajith, Vijay and Vikram will be the right choices to play the lead roles if 3 Idiots is remade in Tamil. The film will sure become a super hit here if the three come and join forces. The top actors would fit the roles well, besides adding star value to the movie," he said.

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