Had read ths article in 'Naana' - the Malayalam film magazine. They wer da 1st 1 reach on sets of 'Kaavalkaran' & VJ's question to them was how was 'Vettaikaran' in Kerala & his 1st dialogue in Vettaikaran was in Malayalam - "Entha saare..."

I am a VIJAY fanTM


From: Arjun Rengarajan <arjunrengarajan@yahoo.com>
To: OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com; Olivia Nisa <nisaolivia@yahoo.co.nz>; vijaykingofkollywood <vijaykingofkollywood@yahoogroups.com>; badri nath <badrinath757@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, 24 April, 2010 1:19:27 PM
Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] New Kavalkaran Stills


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