I solicit to God to dont happen this
Thalapathy pls choose gud stories and get back well
as soon i hope u
Pls Theatre Ownere dont give red card to my Soul Vijay
Just he gave 5 bad films
But remember urself many of our Koll heros has gave lot of flops
But Vijay gave many hits earlier
Pls Remember that!
I hope u Theatre Owners!

Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds...

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, kalaimy87 <kalaimy87@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: kalaimy87 <kalaimy87@yahoo.com>
Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Up in arms against Vijay
To: OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 10:50 AM

Up in arms against Vijay
IndiaGlitz [Friday, May 21, 2010]
Vijay's recent not so impressive record at the box office has upset many and particularly the exhibitors who are last link in the chain of film making. Theatre owners in Tamil Nadu have called for an emergency meeting to discuss the status of screening Vijay films in future.
Theatre owners in Tamil Nadu charge that in the last five years Vijay has done seven films and they have suffered huge losses as they all failed to click. Out of Aadhi, Pokkiri, Azhagiya Thamizh Magan, Kuruvi, Villu, Vettaikkaran and Sura released in the last few years they say only `Pokkiri' fetched them profits.

http://www.indiagli tz.com/channels/ tamil/article/ 57153.html

To compensate the losses they incurred by screening the above films the theatre owners are asking Vijay to do a film exclusively for the theatre owners. If not they will issue a red card to the actor and will not screen Vijay films in future.
To discuss the issue further theatre owners are holding an emergency meeting tomorrow May 22. This sudden development is closely watched by the industry

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