Thursday, October 28, 2010

[OnlyVijayFans] Re: Attendance Register


Its good to see so many members come forward. It would be more happening and interesting if u all also post  bet  active in msg, ur views, start threads and etc. Waiting for silent members to join us here..:)


--- In, Madan Raj <forgetmanmadan@...> wrote:

> Friends,
> Thank you all for your responses. It's learnt that there are approx. 135 active
> members in our group till now. That's a good enough no.
> I think we can drop this thread from now on. I could see same member posting
> attendance again & again. That would kill the objective. Thank U all once again.
> Now, let's all start great discussions & debates. Inviting you all for ideas on
> discussions... Pour in your thoughts...
> I am a VIJAY fanTM
> ________________________________
> From: Madan Raj forgetmanmadan@...
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 4:21:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Attendance Register
> Friends,
> The total attendance count is 98 as of now (25.10.10 @ 4:20 pm IST).
> Please do not mark your attendance if you've already done that.
> This is to know how many of our members are active & this is not a daily
> attendance.
> Additional members (apart from the earlier list)
> Muthu, Antony Anish, Kavitha, Prakash, Anitha, Prem Chander, Balaji, Praveen
> Kumar, Sundar, Sathish, Venkat, Jey Krishna, Praveen, M. Sathya, Nagaraj, Sunil
> Kumar, Vijay Guru, Alex, Sriharikrishna, Selvakumar, Akilan, Gengatharan,
> Kingston Abraham, Gokul, Mahesh Kumar, Mery, Sundar Raj, Kadher, Arunshankar,
> Sakthivel, Sanjeevi Kumar, Rahul, Rajabalan, Jacob, Priyanka, Jithin Raj, Isuru,
> Saravanakumar, Siva, Thahsin, Suhail Jamaldeen, Bosskiruba, Rajesh, Mohammed
> kafar, Gowri Shankar, Albin Bobby, Divahar S, M Ramesh Kumar, V Praveen,
> Kothanda Ram, SubhaShini, Maria Carducci, Rajesh Gee, Yuvaraja, Kiranvarma
> Venugopal, Ramesh, Prince, Saravanan, Prasanth, Gowtham
> I am a VIJAY fanTM
> ________________________________
> From: Madan Raj forgetmanmadan@...
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 22 October, 2010 2:19:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Attendance Register
> Till now... 36 friends have confirmed their presence... Here's the list:
> Yuva, Vishnu, Anitha, Ramkumar, Kalai, Deepak, Amritha, Prabhu Dorairaj, Rats
> Vel, Ajay, Malar, Asha Antony, karthik Mohanram, Ina Nijam, Keymansix, Marzuq,
> Gocool (don't know his/her exact name), Visu aka Viswanathan, Suresh, Dinesh,
> Vidhya, Anish, Danni, Pavitura, Salman, Rajini, Vatsan, Shri Vignesh, Shyam,
> Saravanan, Veena, Rahim, Guru, Shagulameedh, Vignesh and myself (Madan).
> Anyone missed out, will be added in the next update.
> This is interesting. C'mon guys...
> I am a VIJAY fanTM
> ________________________________
> From: Madan Raj forgetmanmadan@...
> To: OVF
> Sent: Thu, 21 October, 2010 1:06:06 PM
> Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Attendance Register
> Friends,
> 1st of all, some statistics... OVF has more than 10,200 members till date. But,
> most of these members are not active here. Our group had just around an average
> of 500 msgs / month during Jul, Aug & Sept. This is discouraging... Isn't it?
> I still recollect those times when we used to have approx. 1,000 msgs in a
> month. And, I think we should energize our group to a much higher level than
> that of now.
> So, here's an attendance register. The purpose is to know how many of our
> members are active - reading our msgs, even though not participating in the
> discussions. All you have to do is to state your name and say 'present'.
> For e.g. Madan - Present.
> By doing so, we'll know the active members & it will be a great fun too. What do
> you guys say?
> I am a VIJAY fanTM

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