What u all think..Vijay joined the party?;)


--- In OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com, veena <swtveena_3@...> wrote:
> We know that shooting out of town can get boring. So what do you do? You become friends with your co-star and unit members.
> Asin who is back in Tamil on the sets of her new film with Vijay in Kumbakonam decided to give a party on her comeback to Kollywood.
> She organised a theme party for Vijay, director Siddique, choreographer Dinesh, cameraman Ekambaram, Banu, costumer Anu and a few others at the huge bungalow she was staying.
> Everyone was asked to keep a white flower on their ear much to their amusement, and all followed the code. Men came with a flower on their left side and women on their right side.
> The cuisine was Chettinad and Asin played the perfect hostess at the party. The Poo party as it came to be known among unit members was a blast.
> The Kavalkaran shoot has now shifted to ECR, near Chennai
> .......................... Veena {AV}

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