All the best to entire Sura team and advance Congrats for the hit of sura.


--- In, veena <swtveena_3@...> wrote:
> The day is tomorrow. Ilaya Thalapathi Vijay’s career will cross the first landmark on April 30 with the release of ‘Sura’. Vijay's land mark film ‘Sura’ is all set to rock from tomorrow. The 50th film of Vijay produced by Sun Pictures will release in 600 screens across the world which is a new record for a Vijay film.
> In Chennai city alone 16 theatres will screen ‘Sura’ and which is again a new milestone in Vijay's career.
> The golden Jubilee film of Vijay has no competitor for the first three weeks and that will ensure a powerful opening for three weeks. The songs are already topping the charts.
> Directed by S P Rajkumar 'Sura' has all the ingredients for winning. To boost the prospects further ‘Sura’ has the current sensation Tamannah as heroine.
> Vijay is very happy with the final film and has expressed his interest in doing another film with S P Rajkumar.
> Source : India Glitz
> .............. Veena {AV}

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