Let he become producer first :D:p Producing vijay will gain more money to his company...good idea. Moreover both of them are good friends...so chances are there:)


--- In OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com, "kalaimy87" <kalaimy87@...> wrote:
> Sep 30, 2010
> <http://www.behindwoods.com/index.html>
> <http://www.behindwoods.com/features/News/News23/index.html>
> Looks like Ajith will be turning into a producer himself. Gautham and
> Murugadoss have earlier declared their production ventures. Ajith's
> production company will be called Goodwill entertainment.
> When asked about his venture, Ajith answered in the affirmative. Will
> he produce his own movies in the future? Not necessarily, he says,
> adding that his production ventures can also have his friends as stars.
> Upon prodding whether he would cast Vijay in his movies, Ajith said he
> would definitely consider that. The actor is right now listening to
> scripts.
> Source :BW
> Kalai

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