It's a himalayan task 2 bring Mammootty & Mohanlal together. Last time they were together seen in 'Twenty twenty' - a movie created for charity purposes having almost all leading actors in it.
The script, director, cast & crew - everything will matter & over & above, Vijay in it... Sounds impossible pa...


I am a VIJAY fanTM


From: azra siddique <>
Sent: Sat, 16 October, 2010 12:34:33 PM
Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Re: VJ's Interview in 'Nana'



--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Madan Raj <> wrote:

From: Madan Raj <>
Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Re: VJ's Interview in 'Nana'
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 4:06 AM

That will not happen. 

I am a VIJAY fanTM


From: kalaimy87 <>
Sent: Fri, 15 October, 2010 7:09:33 AM
Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Re: VJ's Interview in 'Nana'

Previously Vijay said he wont acts in a movie if he doesnt knw the language. But now it seems like he ready to do Malayalam movie and the way he answer is really interesting. He like telling the director if u want bring a malayalam script to me plz bring either Mammootty or Mohanlal in ur script together. Oru kal'la rendu manga :)


--- In, Rats Vel <vel_rats@...> wrote:
> its so apt only whats the wrong in this Kalai.....
> with regards,
> ===VEL==>

> --- On Wed, 13/10/10, kalaimy87 kalaimy87@... wrote:
> From: kalaimy87 kalaimy87@...
> Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Re: VJ's Interview in 'Nana'
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, 13 October, 2010, 9:56 AM
> 2. Says, he's ready to act in Malayalam movies, provided it's a good story and has Mammootty or Mohanlal in it.
> Inta answer nalla eruka
> Kalai
> --- In, Madan Raj forgetmanmadan@ wrote:
> >
> > Hi Friends,
> >
> > I came across an interview of VJ in the malayalam film magazine 'Nana' wherein
> > he shared how 'Kaavalan' is shaping up. (I don't recollect if it's an old
> > edition).
> > I can't translate the entire interview in Tamil (my Tamil is not good), however
> > here're the highlights:
> > 1. He liked the subject and character of Kaavalan. He's inspired by Dileep who
> > played the role in Malayalam but is strictly following Siddique in this Tamil
> > version.
> > 2. Says, he's ready to act in Malayalam movies, provided it's a good story and
> > has Mammootty or Mohanlal in it.
> > 3. Among his heroines, he referred to Simran as most dedicated towards work &
> > now, Asin is on that path.
> > 4. On asking how it feels like being a superstar, he humbly replied saying
> > "superstar? me? I don't know"
> > 5. The title 'Ilayathalapathy' was given to him by fans.
> >
> > That's all I remember now. If anyone else has come across that interview, please
> > share...
> > I am a VIJAY fanTM
> > MADAN.
> >

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