After the long wait for Vijay fans, now its time for joy, happiness, and simply called " The Celebration Time Begins ". Vettaikaran, supposed to be the biggest ever opening for a Vijay movie which can be cherished only by an actor like Vijay.

It openend in more than 20+ screens in Chennai, and more than 600 prints all around the world. The mass appeal of Vijay was felt and pulse of all the fans was on sky high and each and every fan looked charged and pumped up as everyone expected this movie to be a smashing hit.

Even though the movie didn't release on festive day, the atmosphere was simply electrifying and the fans have done it.

So here we go, we at OVF brings you some of the pictures and videos where fans celebrated the opening of the movie in a grand and usual way, but this time it was something more special as it is supposed to be a comeback movie for Ilayathalapathy.

Fans all over Tamil Nadu celebrated it in a grand way and gave a thunderous welcome to Vettaikaaran. Fans queued up in huge number in front of theaters shouting slogans in praise of Thalapathy and huge banners were erected in theaters. Bursting of crackers, Pal abhishekam are usual customs which are followed by Vijay fans in all the districts. Vettaikaaran brought smiles on everyone's face and the magic is recreated again.

For pictures and videos go to the below link :-

Link :

Have a nice time!

With Regards,


