The day which we keep anticipating every year, the day on which we celebrate more than what we do on our birthday, the day which marks the beginning of lot of new charity from fans and continuation of existing ones, the day which makes us share wishes with each other just like we do for festivals – Its June 22nd of the year, the birthday of Ilayathalapathy Vijay.

We just can't thank enough the Almighty and Vijay's parents for giving us one of the most precious treasures of Tamil Film Industry, who more than entertaining us and keeping us happy, has become a part of our extended family over the years, someone whom many of us consider as our "Anna" apart from being widely hailed as a role model, "Thalaivar" and "Thalapathy". And this is what makes him special – yes, we may like dozens of actors, but Vijay remains very special for us any day.

If it was just his films that made us his fans, we would not look forward to his every move in life, be it attending functions, meeting fans, television appearances etc. If it is just his success that made us his fans, we would have left him long back when people termed his movies as flop. If it was just an influence from others that made us his fans, we would have changed after all negative campaigns in recent past that went against him.

But these are not just the reasons for us to be his fans. His charisma, personality, the excitement we get when we see him onscreen, the love he shows towards us, his deeds, characteristics, his simplicity and humble nature even when he is at peak of stardom, his boy next door charm and above all that cutest sweetest smile that is worth millions – These are just few things which we would cherish as his fans. And the list is endless.

Any actor's career graph definitely has highs and lows but all that matters is how successful he is in delivering what is expected out of him even in the lean phase. That way, Vijay has always been successful inspite of his directors or scripts failing to make an impact. And even today, his single name creating hype for a film as huge as multiple big wigs put together is something remarkable only Vijay can achieve.

He acts for entertaining his fans not for awards. He comes on television not for promoting his films but for interacting with his fans. He supports charity not for fame but to inculcate that habit in each of his fans. He speaks not with his attitude, but through his films. And he celebrates his birthdays not by day long partying but by meeting his fans, which is what he considers as real happiness.

He has given us the pride and happiness of being his fans and he has done brilliant films that we can cherish for a lifetime. Let's not forget all that and lose ourselves to momentary pleasures or regrets. For all that he has done to us till now, all we can pay back is being with him throughout, especially when he needs us the most. And for us, the real happiness is in proudly calling ourselves as Ilayathalapathy Vijay Fans.

Orkut Vijay Fans Wish Vijay A Very Happy Birthday!

May God bless him with good health and happiness forever!

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With Regards,

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