Tamil Cinema Actors And Their No. of Fan Clubs:
1)Vijay-72 000+Fan Clubs-Colo ssal Fan following)
2)Rajnikan th-58000fa n clubs,4500 0clubs were Disbanded due to unregister ing(Coloss al Fan base)
3)Ajith-38 000+ fan clubs(mode rate fan base)
4)Dhanush- 28000+fan clubs
5)Surya-24 000+fan clubs(leas t fan base)
6)Simbu-21 000+fan clubs
7)vishal-1 8000+fan clubs
8)vikram-1 6000+fan clubs
9)Karthi-1 4+fan clubs
10)Jayam Ravi-11+fa n clubs

Source: Times Of India Exclusive Article on august
and http://www.likebollywood.com/2011/02/actors-has-more-fans-club-in-tamilnadu.html

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