Yup f9 thanks Howz u doin?

--- On Tue, 1/6/10, Prathi Kumar <prathi.usha@yahoo.in> wrote:

From: Prathi Kumar <prathi.usha@yahoo.in>
Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Vijay at Dharmapuri
To: OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 1 June, 2010, 12:32 PM


            Welcom Lalitha Kannan how ar you


         Pradeesh Kumar        

--- On Mon, 31/5/10, Lalitha Kannan <jasmine_lali@ yahoo.co. in> wrote:

From: Lalitha Kannan <jasmine_lali@ yahoo.co. in>
Subject: Re: [OnlyVijayFans] Vijay at Dharmapuri
To: OnlyVijayFans@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, 31 May, 2010, 7:22 PM

OMG hez so cuteeeeeeeee thanks 4 the stills...... .

--- On Mon, 31/5/10, Prathi Kumar <prathi.usha@ yahoo.in> wrote:

From: Prathi Kumar <prathi.usha@ yahoo.in>
Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Vijay at Dharmapuri
To: ilayathalapathyfans @yahoogroups. com, illayathalapathy_ vijay@yahoogroup s.co.in, OnlyVijayFans@ yahoogroups. com, vijaykingofkollywoo d@yahoogroups. com, vijayrasigargal@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, 31 May, 2010, 4:57 PM


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         Pradeesh Kumar        

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