Yohan with Vijay alright - Why do you mention 'Adhyayam Ondru' ?

Ans : First part - So simple! My first meet with Vijay didn't work out so well, during the next two visits the was a difference in our opinions. On our last visit both of us were eager to do a film with together. Yohan will be an International Tamil film. Vijay will play and international agent in this movie. This is the first time both of us are doing a film in this genre. After going for an foreign assignment, the two months experiences of Yohan is the first part. After this, for each two year period, I would like to take the subsequent parts aka 'Adhyayam's' !
Who knows.. This might even end up as a series. The action scenes will perfectly suit Vijay. A.R. Rahman was ready to be the M.D. once I told him the story.
'Yohan' will stun you all!

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