Vijay's Velayudham is doing great in Singapore and Malaysia more than in home pitch. Recently it has been found that Tamil audience in Singapore and Malaysia are big fans of Vijay and are thoroughly entertained by his purely entertaining comedy, Velayudham.

Velayudham has been especially liked by family audience in Ma...laysia and Singapore who like stress free comedy and entertainment based films than films with complicated story lines. Children here are bigger fans of Velayudham's comedy, songs and action scenes. Among Diwali 2011 releases children in Malaysia and Singapore preferred to watch Velayudhan to any other film.

Throughout the entire Velayudham, whistles and applauses keep coming on and on. Durga, a teenage fan of Vijay from Singapore said that the scenes of Vijay and Santhanam in Velayudham bring laugh riots in the audience.


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