Hi Vishnu 

Great Work 


From: vishvij2889 <vishvij2889@yahoo.co.in>
To: OnlyVijayFans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:02 AM
Subject: [OnlyVijayFans] Our Vijay Page On the World's Largest Web2.0 Service Site


Myself Vishnu. I had been a silent member of this group ever since it started in 2008. I was content with just loging in every two days and reading through the latest news. Just a week ago I joined Squidoo, the world's largest Service Site and had a look around. I realized that I could build a page that could serve as a bridge between all the popular online fans communities.
I first started off doing smaller pages. After 9 of them, I felt that I have learned enough to have a go. I started work on July 16th. Yesterday I posted a framework of the page on the net and today I completed it.
I have categorized the page into various sections and presented them in the best possible way I can, with my little experience that I have with the site. I have added the major fans communities in the fans section so that fans don't have to search around for them. I have also included the recent news and upcoming movies section. I will keep updating it as frequently as I can.
Please visit my site and share your opinions. Your views and suggestions are most welcome. And please do promote our Vijay's page on your facebook,orkut,twitter,blog, website or other such communities. I don't have an account on any one of these and that is why I asking you this favour.


Do bookmark my site and come back frequently. I will keep updating the recent news. I dedicate the page to all Vijay fans.

With Love

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